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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Literacy: Movable Alphabet for Word Building

In Montessori language learning, there is a stage between sound learning and reading.  It's a word analysis exercise that allows the child to build the word without having to read the word.  They can hear the sounds and pull those phonograms from the box, but aren't required to deduce the word from a visual list of sounds.  

This is MAGIC for my daughter.  She is NOT interested in reading.  She is only interested in writing her own story.  I give her objects and she builds the words and arranges them as she sees fit.  

The words shown in this post are too easy for her, but she deigned to build them so I could take a picture.  

Later in the week, after the initial phonogram lesson with the rocks, we use objects or pictures and practice building those words that use the phonograms or spelling rules we're learning.  

If you want to make your own set, and you use Spalding like me, I recommend printing out this set rather than making your own like I did.  I first printed out this set because I'm a sucker for their colors and font, but Montessori doesn't do the phonograms the same way that we do in our program, so every week I have to cut and paste and build rather janky looking sheets (which you can find in my individual phonograpm lesson posts.)  Whatever you do, print out at least 6 of every letter/phonogram and ten of the vowels and common letters.  (I never have enough L's.)

1 comment:

  1. I love your idea of using an ice tray for blends! This would be much easier for my son to use, he has Down syndrome with fine motor challenges... I made my Movable Alphabet box out of black, plastic office drawer trays (I had to get three of them and they stack). I like your clear boxes better! Great job! Thanks for sharing!
